New Tech Article

28 01 2009

PhotobucketI have a feeling that this article might create a bit of controversy among many airsofters, but I felt that the truth must come out! Too long have manufacturers hidden behind sly marketing ploys to make a fast buck, leaving airsoft mechanics wondering where the accuracy of their airsoft guns went! Yes… today we take a look at how to properly choose the correct inner barrel for your application!

How to Choose an Inner Barrel

And now back to your regularly scheduled program…

7 10 2008

Yes, I know, I’ve kept you waiting.  Keep your shirts on guys and gals.  Here’s the skinny on what’s coming up.

First, I’ve finally got my hands on a Dboys SCAR-L.  I’ve toyed with it a bit, and will skirmish with it this weekend.  Then expect a full write up end of next week, or beginning of the week after.  At the same time I’ll be starting my 100% AEG article.  I’ll build this Chinese clone into an AEG that can run at 100% (meaning the drive train and all it’s bits), without overtaxing any one part.  I’ve got high hopes for this AEG, as I’ve already hooked it up to a Li-Poly battery and it’s working well out of the gate.  I’ll prove once and for all, that you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to build a strong AEG, but that craftsmanship and choice of parts is where it’s at.  I’ll even keep a dollar amount going to keep you guys happy.  This series will probably be released one segment at a time given the number of items we must look at (as opposed to one big article).

Back to the Li-Poly thing again.  I hooked a 7.4v lipo to my SCAR (2200mAh 30C) and tested the ROF.  NO INCREASE.  That means that there is something limiting the RPM.  Oh wait… I bet you it’s the motor.  Proof that high current batteries don’t push motors harder, but that the motor determines the amount of current needed.  Power people it’s all about power!

Okay, back on track.  I also have news from Vanaras and RSOV.Com.  They are shipping me an assortment of Vanaras parts (mainly grenade shells) to test.  Awesome!  I’ll be looking forward to that.  In fact, as my 40mm shell collection increases in size, I’ll be testing them in a head to head bout; testing fps, ease of use, capacity of gas, construction, and durability.  So keep your eyes out for that.

Hang in there folks.  As the year begins to wind down, I’ll have lots of goodies for you!